About Me

Photography is a passion of mine. I love to capture the perfect image~ the perfect "moments" in life. I love kisses from my kiddos, hot baths on a cold day.. great movies whether they are funny or sad or romantic..and a movie's not complete without hot tamales and popcorn! Sunny beaches, flip flops, a good tan, sunglasses, the smell of the ocean and the wind in my hair. Inspiring photos and quotes. Loud music.. My cute and funny husband, the smell of flowers in the summer and wood burning in the winter. snowmobiling and watching my kids laughing as they play... there is not a better sound than a child laughing and happy. Staying up late and sleeping in. Good friends who make me laugh til I cry, a good conversation and fun surprises. I am so blessed in my life and love to explore my creativity. I heard a great quote the other day.. i LOVE quotes! "The best kind of traveler is the one who is not invested in the destination"
So I'm just trying to enjoy the ride and make the best of every day!!! Hope you enjoy!!




~Wyatt~ I love this guy!!! Of course he is my son so I can say that!!! He is growing so fast, he used to love to be my little photo buddy whenever I would find a sweet place to take pics, but now its like pulling teeth to get his picture taken with a good smile!!! I found a little bribe helped this day haha!! Love ya buddy!!

I love this guy!!! Of course he is my son so I can say that!!! He is growing so fast, he used to love to be my little photo buddy whenever I would find a sweet place to take pics, but now its like pulling teeth to get his picture taken with a good smile!!! I found a little bribe helped this day haha!! Love ya buddy!!

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